Extremely quick and useful especially for addresses. Great work. Sometimes slow ... possibly due to the network latency/congestion. Manieq
Extremely quick and useful especially for addresses. Great work. Sometimes slow ... possibly due to the network latency/congestion. Manieq
Gute, informative App.
Love it.
great app!!
I use it everyday for hourly weather report
The most precise swiss weather forecast! Great app!!
Often the bus prediction is not working
Great app!
Really useful!
The best fast view of the next hours weather for Switzerland. You know when and how much it will rain without having to scroll or anything. Perfect view of temperature also in the same graph.
Just shoot me over this app. It is worthless.
Totally useless
One of the only apps I show off
extremely usefull
Needs more work but I love this app. Very useful
Great app for weather! Every morning I take a peek to see how the day will fare. App has other functionalities which are very good
use sbb app for public transport
Very handy and fairly accurate.
Perfect for local weather here in Switzerland - especially the rain forecast